Spicy Pasta!
February 25, 2010 Got inspired to write in my food blog again, thanks to Debbie and Alex! I can't believe its been about a month since I've posted. Yes, I've been a slacker! But I haven't been slacking on the diet.. maybe a little at the gym/exercising, but I haven't gone less than 3 times in a week, even when we went up North to my parents. I've lost 19 lbs so far!! :) And Jarrod has lost 31 lbs!!!! :) I'm so proud of my hubby! I had a training this week on violence and aggression for work. It was a great class, I was amazed by how much the trainer knew. I wish I had this training back when I was working at the group home, but I'm sure that I will benefit in the new job as well. Work's been very busy, lots of deadlines, and challenging. But I enjoy it :). Hopefully when I know more, I'll be able to keep up better! I hate being the newbie and making the little mistakes. But I've been told there ...